
H.IND.RE Network

Our Main Partners

  • Observation, Development, Tourism and Territorial Intelligence (NID-ODITT)

    Based in the University of Caxias do Sul, the NID-ODITT is a Multidisciplinar Observatory with a focus on Observation, Development and Tourism, and Territorial Intelligence.

    H.IND.RE Project is supported by the Observatory, contributing with comprehensive research about Resilience for Tourism and Territorial Intelligence.

  • Hotel Resilient

    Hotel Resilient’s aim is to support resilience in the tourism accommodation industry to reduce risk from disasters and impacts of climate change.

    It innovative approach provide a platform to identify hotel’s risks, measure hotel’s resilience (crisis resilience, climate friendly, responsible), take resilience actions and emonstrate trust, get verified trought accreditation.

  • University of Rome Tor Vergata

    The mission of the University of Rome Tor Vergata is to contribute to people´s education and training, to scientific research, and to the technological, organizational, and social innovation needed to achieve truly sustainable development in Italy, Europe and worldwide pursuant to the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations in September 2015. The University of Rome Tor Vergata is deeply committed to excellent education and scientific research and it also closely cooperates with the private sector, public institutions, and non-profit organizations at national and international level. This aims at favoring the adoption of policies and behaviors focusing on sustainability both in terms of well-being for people and ecosystem conditions.

  • University of Caxias do Sul

    The University of Caxias do Sul was established in 1967 and is a private-non profit University located in nine Campuses at the Serra Gaúcha, south of Brazil. It focused on Regional Development and Regional Service, strengthening the community with knowledge, research, and innovation, and is considered one of the most innovative Universities in Brazil, according to national rankings. Closely cooperating with the private sector, public institutions and non-profit organizations at the national and international level, UCS seeks to promote Knowledge-Based Regional Development, contributing to the social and economic development of the Serra Gaúcha region.

Our Members